Sunday, September 23, 2012

German Guy

 If you have not read the previous posts, I would advise reading them. Start at The Beginning
The other day, some guy in Germany viewed my blog. How awesome is that!? Some German guy liked the name of my blog so much that he was willing to look at it. I mean let’s face it, this is not the most interesting blog in the world, but I am still getting people that I don’t know to look at it. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re critical little mind is saying, “But Joe, that was just lucky. He clicked on the site accidentally. No foreign person would ever want to look at your blog.” You wait. By next week I will have so many foreign viewers, Blogspot will crash. Then Google will start flipping out and try to repair the damage. But there will be so many errors that they will not be able to bring Blogspot back. Then, my dear viewers, you will be blogless. 
Your world is not real
This masterpiece of a creation will no longer exist on your computers. There will pandemonium; a global outrage. There will be riots in the street. The police will not be able to contain the madness and all authorities will quickly lose their power as people stop listening to them. Non- readers will be rounded up and will have to choose between exile and death. The death sentence will be carried out in the most random way possible while those exiled will be banned to the land of limbo. There, they will slowly lose their mind until they forget that their new world is not real.
Or is it? Who are you to say that your reality is true? Are you not reading a blog called “My” Random Reality. Look at the URL. Who are you to say that you are not living in my made-up reality? Whoa! Inception moment!

Anyway, back to the blogless world scenario. Those who were loyal to the blog will work constantly on a cure to their dire situation. The smartest and most influential people alive like Stephen Hawking, Warren Buffett, and Paul Allen will pool their resources to solve the world’s most pressing problem. But unfortunately for you, my unlucky reader, they will never do it. You will live in a world you never saw coming and that is hard to believe is real…

I have had complaints that this post is pointless and that is doesn’t go anywhere. THAT IS THE POINT. It is random and without point. Enjoy. Or criticize. Whatever.


  1. Dieser Blog gibt mir Kopfschmerzen

  2. Aaarrgh! Too many words! And to the german guy above: guten tag! Wie geht es dir?

  3. Guten Abend, Herr Suh. Kennen Sie diese verrückte Blogger?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. All of this will happen for a blog? ;) I look forward to seeing what happens when you rule the world
